Stimulative Mudra

This mudra revitalises your body and mind. This ancient gesture effectively combats exhaustion and fatigue.


"May the energy of life flood every cell, may my body and spirit be reborn with strength and clarity, in peace and harmony."

Stimulative Mudra

The gesture

Sit comfortably, cross-legged or in an armchair, with your feet firmly planted on the ground.
Rub your hands together to awaken the energy, then gently place the thumb of your left hand on the nail of your middle finger, forming a circle.
Then slide your right thumb between these two fingers, creating a soothing connection. Hold your hands in front of your chest, forearms horizontal.
Relax your shoulders, allowing the tension to dissipate.
Stay like this, breathing deeply 36 times, then repeat on the other side if necessary.

  • Physical Benefits

    - Activates all energies.
    - Dissolves blockages
    - Stimulates the gall bladder meridian.

  • Emotional Benefits

    - Re-energises
    - Reduces fatigue
    - Gives you zest for life.

Enhance your practice with the fragrant harmony of our herbal teas, the perfect allies for Mudras.