Mahatrika Mudra

Free yourself from painful periods with the Mahatrika Mudra. Natural relief for a calmer cycle.


"May tranquility guide every beat of my heart, bringing me balance and harmony under the benevolent glow of the moon."

Mahatrika Mudra

The gesture

Sit comfortably, either cross-legged or in an armchair, with your feet firmly planted on the ground.
Rub your hands together to awaken the energy within you. Gently join the ring finger and thumb of each hand, then bring the remaining four fingers together.
Next, link your little fingers together while holding out your index and middle fingers.
Place your hands in this position on your thighs, ready to accompany you in a soothing meditation.
Let your shoulders relax completely and hold this posture, breathing deeply for 36 breaths.

  • Physical Benefits

    - Decongests the entire pelvic area, from the lower back to the pubic region
    - Reduces menstrual cramps, regulates the menstrual cycle
    - Relieves pelvic congestion and constipation,
    - Benefits the prostate and bladder
    - Helps to heal haemorrhoids

  • Emotional Benefits

    - Find your feminine balance in your daily life between your role as a woman and your role as a mother.

Enhance your practice with the fragrant harmony of our herbal teas, the perfect allies for Mudras.